
Specialty Services

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is is one of the most effective and evidenced-based forms of treatment for mental health issues, and specifically with depression and anxiety.

Adults: Are you depressed? Do you struggle with anxiety? Do you have anger issues? There are many life transitions that can trigger these and many more emotions. Big life changes can cause confusion and fear which usually generates the desire for counseling and a shift in thinking. One of my clinical areas of expertise is using Cognitive Behavioral Theory to tackle tough issues like those mentioned above. Addressing issues in the “here and now” and helping you gain control of thoughts that lead to negative feelings that can impact how you act and re-act to events you are dealing with. You have the power to change your thoughts and I am here to guide you to experience that empowerment and to take control of your life instead of have it control you.

Couples: Are you not feeling heard? Is there more snappy and argumentative interaction then relating with ease? Are you noticing things in your partner might have always been there, but you just couldn’t see it or believe it? Couples have a unique way of communicating. Sometimes it is a silent agreement not to talk about certain things or to only communicate in a way that keeps things peaceful.

Many couples are confronted with frustrations because of assumptions and expectations they have for their partner that have never actually been spoken. Often times the partner is not aware of these assumptions and expectations and just keeps plugging away at what they think is “working”, when in reality it is harming the relationship. For example, one person is living in resentment and does not know how to express how they feel or does not feel valid in owning those emotions. No worries, HELP IS ON THE WAY! Erika Bischoff, LCSW is trained to help you build effective communication skills with your partner with no judgment or shame placed on either person. If you are committed to making a change and growing closer to your partner, I can help you to form a healthier and more meaningful connection with your loved one.

Older Adults: As the Baby Boomers are becoming older adults, there is an expectation of an increase need and demand for mental health services. Depression and anxiety symptoms are common with older adults as the psychological adjustment to aging is challenging and complex. Older adults often experience chronic physical illness and cognitive impairments, and experience more grief and loss due to death of loved ones. Older adults can benefit from CBT, especially when modifications recommended for this population are used. One modification for older adults involves addressing physical health as well as spiritual/religious beliefs in the treatment. Mild cognitive impairment is not a barrier to benefiting from CBT.

Young Adults: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is used to treat a wide range of young adult issues including eating disorders, substance abuse, anxiety and depression. Because CBT is problem-focused and uses a goal-directed approach, young adults are able to quickly identify their negative or distorted thinking patterns and make connections to how their thoughts can influence their feeling and behaviors. Young adults are able to monitor their own individual reactions to daily events usually by keeping a journal and discussing reactions and shifts in thinking in each session. What young adults and their family members find most rewarding about CBT is that it teaches problem solving and coping skills as well as providing young adults with the experience of expressing their thoughts in a healthy way.